- The shortcut key is used to open a new document in MS Word?
a) Ctrl + N
b) Ctrl + O
c) Ctrl + D
d) Ctrl + P - The shortcut key for saving a document?
a) Ctrl + V
b) Ctrl + S
c) Ctrl + P
d) Ctrl + D - Key combination is used to open an existing document?
a) Ctrl + N
b) Ctrl + O
c) Ctrl + P
d) Ctrl + L - The shortcut key is used for print doccument?
a) Ctrl + N
b) Ctrl + P
c) Ctrl + C
d) Ctrl + E - The shortcut key to cut selected text in MS Word is:
a) Ctrl + B
b) Ctrl + C
c) Ctrl + X
d) Ctrl + Z - The shortcut key is used to copy selected text in MS Word?
a) Ctrl + X
b) Ctrl + J
c) Ctrl + C
d) Ctrl + B - The shortcut key to paste the copied content?
a) Ctrl + X
b) Ctrl + V
c) Ctrl + H
d) Ctrl + B - Which shortcut is used to undo the last action in MS Word?
a) Ctrl + O
b) Ctrl + Y
c) Ctrl + Z
d) Ctrl + I - The shortcut key to redo an action is:
a) Ctrl + Z
b) Ctrl + Y
c) Ctrl + D
d) Ctrl + F - Select all content in a document, which shortcut is used?
a) Ctrl + Z
b) Ctrl + A
c) Ctrl + D
d) Ctrl + F - Which shortcut key is used bold formatting to the selected text?
a) Ctrl + I
b) Ctrl + B
c) Ctrl + U
d) Ctrl + C - What is the shortcut is used for italicizing selected text?
a) Ctrl + I
b) Ctrl + I
c) Ctrl + U
d) Ctrl + P - To underline selected text, use the shortcut key:
a) Ctrl + B
b) Ctrl + U
c) Ctrl + U
d) Ctrl + P - Which key combination is used to open the “Find” dialog box?
a) Ctrl + P
b) Ctrl + E
c) Ctrl + W
d) Ctrl + F - The shortcut key to replace text in MS Word is:
a) Ctrl + A
b) Ctrl + F
c) Ctrl + H
d) Ctrl + U - To insert a hyperlink in MS Word, which shortcut is used?
a) Ctrl + H
b) Ctrl + L
c) Ctrl + K
d) Ctrl + I - What is the shortcut key to align text to the left?
a) Ctrl + L
b) Ctrl + R
c) Ctrl + E
d) Ctrl + J
(Shortcut Keys for MS WORD)
- The shortcut to align text to the right is:
a) Ctrl + L
b) Ctrl + R
c) Ctrl + E
d) Ctrl + U - Which shortcut key is used to center-align text?
a) Ctrl + L
b) Ctrl + R
c) Ctrl + E
d) Ctrl + J - To justify text, which key combination is used?
a) Ctrl + L
b) Ctrl + E
c) Ctrl + J
d) Ctrl + R - Which shortcut key is used to decrease font size?
a) Ctrl + [
b) Ctrl + Shift + <
c) Ctrl + Shift + >
d) Ctrl + ] - What is the shortcut key to increase font size?
a) Ctrl + [
b) Ctrl + Shift + >
c) Ctrl + Shift + <
d) Ctrl + ]
(Shortcut Keys for MS WORD)
- To apply superscript formatting, which key combination is used?
a) Ctrl + Shift + +
b) Ctrl + Shift + =
c) Ctrl + Shift + +
d) Ctrl + Shift + S - The shortcut key for subscript formatting is:
a) Ctrl + Shift + +
b) Ctrl + =
c) Ctrl + Shift + –
d) Ctrl + Shift + S - What is the shortcut key to create a new page break?
a) Ctrl + Enter
b) Ctrl + Shift + Enter
c) Ctrl + P
d) Ctrl + N - To increase paragraph indent, which key combination is used?
a) Ctrl + M
b) Ctrl + Shift + M
c) Ctrl + Tab
d) Ctrl + P - The shortcut key to decrease paragraph indent is:
a) Ctrl + Shift + M
b) Ctrl + M
c) Ctrl + Tab
d) Ctrl + Enter - Which key combination opens the “Go To” dialog box?
a) Ctrl + G
b) Ctrl + F
c) Ctrl + H
d) Ctrl + T
(Shortcut Keys for MS WORD)
- What is the shortcut key for spell check in MS Word?
a) Ctrl + S
b) F7
c) Ctrl + Z
d) Alt + S - To insert a page break in a document, which shortcut is used?
a) Ctrl + Enter
b) Ctrl + Shift + Enter
c) Ctrl + Alt + P
d) Alt + Enter - Which key combination is used to close the current document?
a) Ctrl + W
b) Ctrl + Q
c) Ctrl + X
d) Alt + F4 - To open the Thesaurus in MS Word, use the shortcut key:
a) Shift + F7
b) Ctrl + F7
c) Shift + F7
d) Ctrl + T - The shortcut key for inserting a comment in MS Word is:
a) Ctrl + Alt + M
b) Ctrl + Shift + M
c) Ctrl + Alt + M
d) Ctrl + Alt + C
(Shortcut Keys for MS WORD)(Shortcut Keys for MS WORD) (Shortcut Keys for MS WORD)(Shortcut Keys for MS WORD)
- Which key combination is used to select text by word?
a) Ctrl + A
b) Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow
c) Ctrl + Shift + W
d) Ctrl + Shift + L - To move to the beginning of a line, which shortcut key is used?
a) Ctrl + End
b) Home
c) Ctrl + Up Arrow
d) Alt + Left Arrow - The shortcut key to move to the end of a line is:
a) Ctrl + Home
b) Ctrl + Left Arrow
c) End
d) Ctrl + Down Arrow - Which key combination is used to insert a line break?
a) Shift + Enter
b) Ctrl + Enter
c) Shift + Enter
d) Ctrl + Shift + Enter - To insert a bullet point, which shortcut key is used?
a) Ctrl + Alt + B
b) Ctrl + Shift + L
c) Ctrl + Shift + B
d) Alt + Shift + L
(Shortcut Keys for MS WORD)
- Which shortcut key is used to open the Font dialog box?
a) Ctrl + D
b) Ctrl + F
c) Ctrl + P
d) Alt + F - To close MS Word entirely, which key combination is used?
a) Ctrl + W
b) Ctrl + F4
c) Alt + F4
d) Ctrl + Shift + W - What is the shortcut key for increasing font size by 1 point?
a) Ctrl + ]
b) Ctrl + [
c) Ctrl + Shift + >
d) Ctrl + = - Which key combination is used to decrease font size by 1 point?
a) Ctrl + Shift + <
b) Ctrl + Shift + >
c) Ctrl + +
d) Ctrl + [ - The shortcut key to open the “Paragraph” dialog box is:
a) Ctrl + P
b) Ctrl + Alt + M
c) Ctrl + Shift + P
d) Alt + Shift + P - Which shortcut key is used to apply double-line spacing to text?
a) Ctrl + 3
b) Ctrl + 2
c) Ctrl + 1
d) Ctrl + Shift + D
(Shortcut Keys for MS WORD)
- To apply single-line spacing, use the shortcut key:
a) Ctrl + 2
b) Ctrl + 1
c) Ctrl + 5
d) Ctrl + Shift + 1 - Which key combination is used to open the “Page Setup” dialog box?
a) Ctrl + S
b) Alt + P
c) Ctrl + P
d) Alt + Enter - The shortcut key for inserting a table is:
a) Alt + T
b) Ctrl + Alt + T
c) Ctrl + T
d) Alt + Shift + T - Which key combination opens the “Header and Footer” tool?
a) Ctrl + Shift + H
b) Alt + N, H
c) Alt + Shift + H
d) Ctrl + H - What is the shortcut key for inserting a footnote?
a) Alt + Ctrl + F
b) Alt + Shift + F
c) Ctrl + Shift + F
d) Ctrl + F - To insert an endnote, which key combination is used?
a) Ctrl + Shift + End
b) Alt + Ctrl + D
c) Ctrl + Alt + E
d) Shift + Ctrl + D
(Shortcut Keys for MS WORD) (Shortcut Keys for MS WORD) (Shortcut Keys for MS WORD) (Shortcut Keys for MS WORD)
- Ctrl + A Select All
- Ctrl + B Bold Text
- Ctrl + C Copy Selected Text
- Ctrl + D Open Font Dialog Box
- Ctrl + E Center Align Text
- Ctrl + F Open Find Dialog Box
- Ctrl + G Go To (Find and replace)
- Ctrl + H Open Replace Dialog Box
- Ctrl + I Italicize Text
- Ctrl + J Justify Paragraph
- Ctrl + K Insert Hyperlink
- Ctrl + L Left Align Text
- Ctrl + M Increase Indent
- Ctrl + N New Document
- Ctrl + O Open Document
- Ctrl + P Print Document
- Ctrl + Q Remove Paragraph Formatting
- Ctrl + R Right Align Text
- Ctrl + S Save Document
- Ctrl + T Create Hanging Indent
- Ctrl + U Underline Text
- Ctrl + V Paste Text
- Ctrl + W Close Document
- Ctrl + X Cut Selected Text
- Ctrl + Y Redo Action
- Ctrl + Z Undo Action
(Shortcut Keys for MS WORD)
F1 Open Help
F2 Move Text (Press twice to move text)
F3 Insert AutoText
F4 Repeat Last Action
F5 Open Find and Replace Dialog Box
F6 Cycle through Document Panes
F7 Open Spelling and Grammar Check
F8 Extend Selection
F9 Update Fields
F10 Activate Ribbon (Menu) Shortcut Keys
F11 Go to Next Field
F12 Open Save As Dialog Box
- Page Up Scroll Up One Screen
- Page Down Scroll Down One Screen
- Home Move Cursor to Beginning of Line
- End Move Cursor to End of Line
- Ctrl + Home Move Cursor to Beginning of Document
- Ctrl + End Move Cursor to End of Document
- Up Arrow Move Cursor Up One Line
- Down Arrow Move Cursor Down One Line
- Left Arrow Move Cursor Left One Character
- Right Arrow Move Cursor Right One Character
- Ctrl + Left Arrow Move Cursor Left One Word
- Ctrl + Right Arrow Move Cursor Right One Word
- Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow Select One Word to the Left
- Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow Select One Word to the Right
- Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow Select Text Up One Paragraph
- Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow Select Text Down One Paragraph
- Shift + End Select Text to End of Line
- Shift + Home Select Text to Beginning of Line
- Ctrl + Shift + Home Select Text to Beginning of Document
- Ctrl + Shift + End Select Text to End of Document
- Ctrl + A Select All
(Shortcut Keys for MS WORD)